Sunday, September 5, 2010

Henry -I’ve changed my name to that of a literary great so that people wouldn’t immediately associate me with my father whom had just hired me- James.

Specific title I know, but very apt.

Obviously this is a story of an exchange between myself and a boy I didn’t very much like. For the purposes of this post we shall call him Henry… Because that’s his name.

Why I didn’t like this boy is not entirely clear. Was it his mispronouncing of my name, or maybe his eye rolling judgment at my ‘lack’ of official training in my chosen profession? Whatever the reason, the minute I laid eyes on him he irked me.

How to deal with such distaste?We didn’t move in the same social circles so I couldn’t spread vicious (but I’m sure accurate) details of his sexual history, nor could I vent to any friends, they didn’t know him so why should they care.

Now a friend of mine was telling me of how she had taken a particular disliking to a girl named Helen, now instead of shouting expletives into the ether during moments of pure unadulterated rage she began cursing dear old Helen’s name.

Hateful? Petty? Perhaps, but extremely satisfying nonetheless. So now I’ve found instead of a simple outburst of curses gone by, I simply relieve my hatred and exclaim “DAMN IT HENRY!”

I URGE YOU ALL to implement your dislike of something or someone into all of your exasperated cries of despair. If you’re at  a loss, use mine… I’m sure he won’t mind.


  1. Haha nice. Perhaps a 'curse group' can be formed, a sort of inverted prayer group, where for a few moments a day at the same time we all curse a number of individuals we're each pissed off at.

    Though that kinda sounds like the premise of some Asian horror movie or something where things quickly go very wrong

  2. This could possibly be the best idea ever. However I'm sure you get weird looks from people when you curse someone's name who isn't in the direct vicinity!

  3. Wow. Now I know why the girl in my office keeps shouting "Damn it Sco!" when the computers break.

    It's not because I'm the only gen y there and therefore solely responsible for maintaining the computers.

    She's implemented this program.

  4. well in that case.. DAMN YOU ANGELINA!!!!!
    I hope she never reads this..

  5. ahaha! that's such an easy, hilarious, yet brilliant idea.
    whose name would i yell, though? mmm.. nothing as classic as henry, it would probably be someone like jamie or oscar - neither name has the appeal that henry has, unfortunately D:
